A number of times I've heard men that I thought were pretty excellent in my opinion, baffle me with their thought process about "how women should be". I've heard men express  their opinions about how women should dress, behave and such and from what I understand it seems like in their head women are made for men which in my opinion is a rather primitive outlook and not exactly the kind of a HEALTHY mindset.

A little while back we were chilling with a few friends sipping and talking about life and an argument erupted. Now you know how alcohol can be a truth serum and what ensued afterwards baffled me. So this guy gave an example of a lady he met at an establishment. His thoughts were she was provocatively dressed and that suggested to him that she was "selling". So they had a few drinks and later he offered to drop her her off since he had an errand to run the following morning. The lady politely declined claiming she came to pass time and be by herself she just didn't want to be rude and so allowed him to keep her company.

He apparently felt offended for some reason and got a bit agitated. He started to talk to the lady as if he had right over her simply cause of a few drinks and her dress choice.
PAUSE: now if she is provocative it most certainly at a higher percentage not for you. So now that you've  spent a few coins on her and she has declined your advances, you start getting annoyed. WHY?
Did she ask for it? Did she force it? What she simply did was be polite and allow you to keep her company; no harm no foul. Now why in heaven's name would you be agitated? You were the one who created a narrative in your mind however juvenile and now that it didn't go the way you anticipated you start throwing a tantrum.

Anyway, the situation almost got physical and he was thrown out, as appropriate. 
Now I wonder why the hell would he put himself in such a compromising and humiliating position. Where he could have probably gone to jail and maybe lose his source of income simply because he was "denied" an outlet for his bodily fluids for less than an hour of pleasure and release.
Why so primitive in this day and age?

What are your thoughts?


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